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Sunday, September 17, 2006

Google Maps Games and Travel Maps

New Google Maps Game: Trovemaps:

Trovemaps is a cool new Google Maps game that allows you to create your own treasure map using Google Maps. Place up to 10 hidden clues/treasures on a map, then get people to try and find them. For an example, a pretty fun one, go here Trovemaps has been used as a way to promote software app Qlock Pro on this demo map by offering you a free version of it if you complete the trovemap. More Google Maps Games are here..

Middle Earth Map - Want to browse the maps of the Lord of Rings like a Google Map? Now you can! A Lord of the Rings fansite has used the Google Maps API to create a viewing interface similar to Google Maps for the maps of Middle Earth. There is a map similar to this for the game World of Warcraft. See more Google Maps API examples here.. This map also could call under the books or movie maps category.

MobuzzTV: Google (and other) Maps Revisited! - Here is a short video blog that covers the world of online maps in a great video segment.

Boomtrek: Local search for travelers - Here is a new Google Maps mashup meant to be a local search resource for travelers (or residents). Simply set your location then search place names, types of businesses or address search and Boomtrek will help you find information about that area. Give it a try for your own area or use it to find out information for small or remote areas of pretty much any location in the world!

World Hotels on a Google Map - This new Google Maps mashup lists 60,000 hotels worldwide that serves tourists and businesses. It works best in Internet Explorer as well. More information here..

Giordano Biondani's Travel Pushpin Map - An example of a personal travel map created using the Google Maps API.


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