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Thursday, September 14, 2006

New Boston Transit Google Maps Mashups

MTBA Bus Routes Map - Here is a new Google Maps mashup that displays MTBA bus routes through 100 for the purpose as the geo-developer explains: "I never know where any of the busses go". For it being a work in progress it has some nifty features; Toggle routes from the right, zoom to the routes that are selected, and search for locations to name a few. I stumbled upon this one after seeing an LJ post about it. Like so many mashups it's one that was created while someone was experimenting with the Google Maps API and learning a bit of javascript along the way. In the end it's a mapping application that hundreds can use. [via]

MIT Shuttle Bus Map - this suggestion came in as a comment post on the UofM bus map I mentioned yesterday. In the comment Quentin Smith pointed out that "MIT has been doing this (bus mapping) for several years with ShuttleTrack. It's a bit tricky to enable Google maps - visit the prefs to toggle the interface from the static maps to Google Maps.

Other Boston Transit Maps Mashups:

Boston "T" Subway Map - One of the original Google Maps transit mashups. Shows the entire T subway map.
Boston Subway Map Tools - Find the nearest subway to your location, shortest direction between two stations, or the fastest way between two points using the subway.

Is there a Google Maps transit mashup for your city? If not, make one! :)


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