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Thursday, November 2, 2006

Google Maps concert tracker and mashup tool

(In my best lead singer voice): This next Google Maps mashup goes out to all you music fans worldwide.. It's a mashup tool Rob Woodbridge likes to call... TrackMyConcerts.. :)

Trackmyconcerts is split between two visiting groups - Fans and Bands:

Fans: Rob describes how fans can use the Google Maps feature on the site: "fans can plot their life long live music legacy, by recording (on their own personal map) and reliving each concert (through setlists, video and audio) they have ever attended. They are able share their map with other fans, or post it on other sites. (Think fan pages, blogs, MySpace..)"

Bands: "bands can use the Google Maps mashup feature to promote upcoming and past tour dates. Bands can also post their Trackmyconcerts Google map on other sites to help promote dates and tours.

Check out more Google Music Maps here...


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