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Wednesday, September 5, 2007

New Google Maps mashups: UK, Ireland & France

UK: Football Stadium Guide + Map:

Here's a nice, simple mashup of all the football stadiums in the UK, with directions from any UK postcode and links off to the nearest hotels, restaurants and pubs on Google Maps.

UK: "Planning Disaster" Mashup - A mashup by the Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) to raise awareness of proposed major infrastructure developments (such as airports, tidal barrages, and nuclear power sites) that may be built following a proposed change to UK planning law.

UK: Flight Price Maps Mashup - Allows you to search for the best prices on flights originating from the UK to any continent.

FRANCE: Google Maps Hotel Guide [French site here] - - This is a great Google Maps mashup for those of you visiting France! It features detailed maps for cities and regions to help you find the locations of all hotels, including the ability to check availability! See this example map for the city of Paris..

FRANCE: French Google Maps satellite viewing site - Links to specific world locations with a French user interface. [via]

IRELAND: Look Around! - LookAroundIreland features maps of castles, scenery, celtic and ancient monuments. Links to 360 degree virtual tours to give you a preview of each location.

IRELAND: Saving the Tara Valley in Meath - Once the seat of the High Kings of Ireland, One blogger and Google mapper draws attention to the issue on this blog and through Google Maps/Earth and various Google Maps tools.

Expanded Country roundups available for each of these countries. Click the country label below for many more mashups from the UK, Ireland and France!


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