Tony Hirst has been busy creating a way for us all to personally mash together our Twitter friends and Google Calendar with Google Maps! Check out these posts from his blog:
Geo Twitter - GeoCoding Your Tweets and Plotting Them on an Embeddable Map - Want to see where the Twitter folks you follow are posting about? In this post Tony explains how you can plot their tweets on a Yahoo! Pipes powered Google Map. He writes: "...Twittervision and Twittermap already offer geo-location tools, and an API for you to set your location. So here's my offering, a Yahoo Pipe that will have a go at geocoding locations declared in a tweet: Geo-Twitter Pipe." He also points to another pipe that will let you track where your Twitter friends are located: Geo-Twitter Friends.
More of Tony's Geo-Twitter posts and examples:
- Barack Obama Campaign Trail (Geo-)Twitter Map (...Read how it was quickly made..)
- Tony's Geo-Twitter(ed) Friends
- Emergency Maps Via Geo-Twitter
More about Tony Hirst...
I asked Tony more about himself and how he came to be doing so much with Google Maps. He explains: "I'm a poorly paid lecturer at The Open University;-) - - but i spend way too much time tinkering with web apps (i figure someone should be trying to glue together all this crazy stuff that keeps appearing! ;-)"
Some of Tony's past Google Maps experiments:
- Emergency Maps Experiments
- Mapping Proposed School Closure Plans
- Interactive Google Advermaps
- OU Regional Offices on Google Maps
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