Golakes, the official website of Cumbria Tourism in the UK, has has once again created an awesome Google Maps based egg hunt that should encourage a lot of visitors to the area this Easter.
100 unique Peter Rabbit eggs have been hidden across Cumbria, thanks to The World of Beatrix Potter Attraction.
The hunt is based around a Google Map holding clues to help you in your search. When you have solved a clue it is up to you to get out into the Lake District countryside and search the Lake District for real. The eggs could be hidden in villages, gardens, by lakes or on the top of hills.
Each of the 100 eggs in The Great Peter Rabbit Easter Egg Hunt has been specially designed by a local potter, Sue Dunne, and is a limited edition collector's item for you to keep. If you find an egg you may also be eligible for a number of other special prizes!
Lufthansa Worldwide Egg

If you want to send your own Google Maps Easter egg then try out Lufthansa's Worldwide Egg site. Lufthansa have developed this cool Google Maps Flash API Easter egg game that allows you to design your own Easter egg and then hide it anywhere in the world, using Google Maps.
When you have hidden your egg you can send an e-mail to your friends containing a clue to the egg's location.
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