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Saturday, April 23, 2005

Hey city tourism websites: Add links to Google Maps satellite views!

Okay, not only is Toronto the greatest city in the world but it also has some really good Google Satellite views. Karen Ruby has organized the best of them... From the Skydome (now the Roger's Centre) and CN Tower to the provincial captial buildings of Queen's Park. If you haven't visited Toronto yet, put it on your list. If you're from the States, your dollar goes a looooong way with the exchange rate! While you're at it, visit the rest of Canada! (Can you tell I'm from near Toronto?)

Actually, when you think of it, every city tourism website in North America with good zoom detail of their popular attractions should allow the site visitor to link off to Google Maps and see for themselves what the attraction looks like in real "from-Googlespace" detail.. Perhaps some will start to add this?


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