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Wednesday, July 27, 2005

3 more Google Maps mashups!

Find Potholes in NYC - Some might say Andrew Rasiej is obsessed with fixing New York City potholes. Andrew begs to differ: "Together, we have the power to spot problems and solve them far faster and better than any bureaucrat. That's the 'power of many'". He has established which is a mashup that plots where potholes are located and also lets you report a new or repaired pothole. [via]

US Fitness facilities on Google Maps - Here is a great Google Maps mashup that combines a fitness club search for the US overlaid on Google Maps. Search for anything from pilates studios to martial arts schools to traditional health and fitness clubs. Facility types get plotted on the map depending on what you're looking for. You can even search for fitness club chain locations like Curves. Hmm.. I wonder when these franchises will get with the act and start to include this functionality in their primary consumer websites? ( is hoping that it will be a while;) )

HotelsX mashes up with Google Maps

Find a hotel using this really cool search interface. Although not completely integrated with the Hotels-X site just yet (it still uses Mapquest in the general search area) this beta version shows you what's ahead. The search interface allows for targeted searching in North American cities and then plots it out on Google Maps based on your criteria. Good stuff. Check out Hotels-X !

..Don't forget to check out the Space Shuttle/International Space Station tracker!


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