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Monday, July 25, 2005

Looking back at the Google Maps timeline

With the blogsphere abuzz today with the "official" launch of MSN Virtual Earth, why not take a look back at the notable events in the short history of Google Maps. Eric Baillargeon has put together a great "Google Maps timeline"..

Some high points in the journey thus far:

8 feb 2005 : Launch of Google Maps
3 march: Integration in Google Local of Google Maps US and Canada

6 april : Google Maps add satellite pictures to Google Maps.

June 20: The One-Way appears now as a blue arrows on maps.

July 14: Google Maps add Japan with maps and satellite images

July 22: Google Maps add a Hybrid view. Borders over satellite over all the world and cities and provinces (CAN)/states(US)/county(GB) except for Japan.

There's lots more to come!


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