Blog Archive

Thursday, July 28, 2005

New Mashups and Google Maps sites now has Google Maps - Plazes is described from their website as "..a grassroots approach to location-aware interaction, using the local network you are connected to as location reference. Plazes allows you to share your location with the people you know and to discover people and plazes around you. It's the navigation system for your social life and it's absolutely free." The site has been improved to use Google Maps functionality. To see plazes in action, here is an example - Where is Peter Rukavina? Kind of a difficult concept to word, head to the site to check things out. [via]

Map on a mission - Here's an overlay of all the Spanish Missions in California.

Libmap UK helps you find UK Libraries - Libmap UK is a Public and Academic Library location service for UK libraries. By using the selections below you can select a City/Town to centre your search around; select the radius of search; and the type of library and library system you are looking for. The unique bit is that not only do you get the library locations on the map [based on a a select radius around a city/town] but in the overlay you get to create a search of the library catalogue. I personally think this is prime for the UK public-info mapping contest being held by

Google Maps starting to integrate with websites - Although not really a mashup, Gmaps are starting to find their way into websites as a map link and directions tool. This example comes from a football club in the UK.

Here are a few regional GMaps Collections sites to make you aware of. To compliment the popular Google maps views "collections" sites like Sightseeing with Google Satellite Maps, these are two regional sites that are compiled specifically for the UK and Australia. Enjoy.


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