Blog Archive

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

3 new U.S. Google Maps mashups: Bay Area Tech, Hockey, Oregon

San Francisco Bay Area Tech Companies - Blogger MadDogFog has made use of the DIY Google Maps creator to create a Google Map of Tech Companies in the Bay Area. The map includes locations of companies like Technorati, Six Apart and Bloglines and even allows you to add locations of tech companies that you know of. MadDogFog has even integrated the map (which you can navigate) into this blog post on Blogger! Clicking anywhere on the map in the post brings you to this Wayfaring URL that allows you to explore the map further.

U.S. National Hockey Rink Map - Here is another unique Google Maps mashup that has been facilitated by another DIY (do-it-yourself) Google Maps creator: is busy Google Mapping all the ice hockey rinks in the U.S. It has started in the Mid-Atlantic and is slowly moving across the Mid-West now. Check out this blog for all the details of their mission. A great use of MapBuilder and a very useful Google Map!

Oregon's bounty on a Google Map - Here is a Google Maps mashup produced by They have blended together old style cartographic maps to let you narrow down the area of Oregon you are looking to visit then a Google Map is displayed for to show you where various wineries, restaurants and bed and breakfasts are located.

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