Blog Archive

Thursday, January 5, 2006

7 new U.S. Google Maps Mashups: presidents, cities, brews & peaks

U.S. Color-coded Population Density Mashup - This mashup uses 2000 census data and color codes the zip codes by their population density. Mashup creator Ken Fehling writes: "If you add enough cities to the map, it looks a bit like 2000 or 2004 presidential election results. It definitely shows there's a correlation between the red state/blue state thing (or in this case red zipcode/blue zipcode) and population density. I'm not sure exactly why denser cities produce more democrat voters, but I think the maps look cool."

U.S. Presidential History Mashup - Web 2.0 guru Virender Ajmani is at it again! This time he has added this mashup intended for school kids to know facts about US Presidents and First Ladies like where they were born. Virender has been busy using various APIs (eBay, Yahoo! Google) to create mashups for the Indian community as well as other mashups related to eBay Motors, Flight Searching and Real Estate. Take a look at them, they are all found from this above link.

Oregon and Washington Brew Map - This map displays Brewpubs, Microbreweries and Regional Breweries in the states of Oregon and Washington. Info balloons feature contact information, website links and even a directions tab. If you do take part in a brewery tour of these places, take it easy on the free samples and give these directions to a taxi driver!

Peakbagging Maps for major U.S. mountains - Scott Kendall has put together this impressive Google Map mashup of data for well known U.S. (and international) mountains. They include: Colorado 14ers (55 peaks over 14,000 feet), Northeast 111 (111 peaks over 4,000 feet), South Beyond 6000 (All 40 peaks over 6000 feet in southern Appalachia) and the Alps 4000m Peaks (the 82 4000 meter peaks as designated in the 1994 UIAA list) Each mountain in the map includes its height and a link to detailed information about the mountain. These maps also have links to "big maps" that will scale to fit any screen.

Other Mashups:

Reno Local Cell site Maps

Portland Music Map
San Francisco Parking [via]

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