Google Maps is ushering in a new online phenomenon in the world of television. It's giving die-hard fans a way to create "show-maps" for their favorite programs and also giving show producers a new way to advertise their series and offer a new (online) way for viewers to more closely follow the show. Let's face it, there aren't many good show websites out there, so this may be just the ticket for the networks to drive traffic to their websites. Here is a round-up of the activity so far:
The Sopranos - The popular HBO series "The Sopranos" is cooking up a Google Maps mashup and it has the ad world abuzz. AdAge.com talks up the plans
in this article (
requires quick free reg.) which features a quote from the VP-Advertising from HBO. She mentions benefits the map will have for the viewer to get caught up on episodes. Want to see the map? Well, you can't.. until Feb. 27th that is when the map will be
visible here. Until then, wet your appetite with
this screenshot (from AdAge.com).
[Thanks Gary Wood!]
Veronica Mars - Wayfaring.com has been used to create
this Google Map of locations for the show
Veronica Mars. If you're a fan of the show, you'll know places like Cho's Pizza, Shark Park or Neptune High School. Now you can relate to these real locations by using Google Maps! :) The discussion forum that Wayfaring uses on each map page allows for chat about the show as well..
24 - Don't forget the
previously mentioned 24 "JackTracker" that allows you to follow Jack Bauer on Day 5 with an interactive Google Map (Another Wayfaring Map).
LOST - There aren't any specific Google Maps of LOST (yet) but
this blog post has an interesting "Easter egg" from the show that you can unlock using Google Maps:
"And here's something that isn't a hoax, but is rather curious. If you type the mysterious numbers from Lost (4 8 15 16 23 42) into google maps, they correspond to the approximate latitude and longitude of an island in the middle of the Pacific. My guess is that this probably isn't an accident."Another blogger puts out his Lost mapping idea into the public domain for someone to pick up on in
this blog post. (Think
MapWOW when you read this).
Do you know of another Google TV show Map? Please post a comment to share it with others!Technorati Tags: [Lost], [Sopranos], [24], [Veronica Mars], [Google Maps API], [Google], [Google Local], [Google Maps mashup], [Google Maps], [Google Maps Mania]