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Sunday, February 5, 2006

Web 2.0 and Social Networking sites using Google Maps

Rrove - Rrove (pronounced "rove") is a social bookmark service for locations. It works by combining Del.ici.ous and Google Maps.

ThisPlaceIKnow - This site lets regular people submit regular places that they like and that you might not find in a tour book. It also has a social networking aspect to it, similar to friendster and of course makes use of Google Maps. - + flickr + google maps + blogs + wiki = - The mission is to provide a sharing platform for social groups. Services include: Location Mapping, Photo Sharing, Collection of Personal Blogs, Link Sharing, Free Content Editing, Sharing of Personal Interests

YubNub - YubNub is a tool that lets you enter various YubNub commands or create your own to program the web to do things for you. It makes use of Google Maps.

MyMapSpace - a new location-based social networking map product that utilizes the Google Map to bring people closer together. This product localizes the social networking experience by enabling users to connect and locate other people within their local area through the creation of personalized maps.


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