Blog Archive

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Real-person, Real-time Google Maps mashups is a website and real-person, real-time map mashup that gives you a potential glimpse into the future. Using a camera mounted on his glasses Dave Rheingold broadcasts live from the streets of New York and shows you in live time what he's seeing. He pipes his personal video AND audio to his website so you can tune into the action. Here is a list of all the gear he uses:

* Tablet PC (Motion Computing)
* EVDO card
* Video glasses
* Microphone
* USB analog-to-digital video capture board
* GPS receiver
* Backpack

For software, he uses a Windows XP Tablet, Windows Media Encoder, VZAccess Manager, and a custom-written application that transmits the GPS data and displays it using the Google Maps API. All of this results in a live video and Google Map that shows Dave's real time location. The result is pretty engaging. Sure, it is just Dave walking around, but between the video, sound and the way you can follow Dave with the Google Map, I have to say it's all pretty cool. Dave doesn't broadcast in a 24/7 format so he offers an alert service so you can be notified by email when he starts his personal broadcast. He is expected to be broadcasting today (April 26th) between 1 and 2 pm Eastern time (GMT -5).

Google Maps Mania IDEA: A major sponsor like Coke, or Verizon should try to get in on this and sponsor this real person website phenomenon. It's reality TV on demand, and mapped. Think EdTV.

Of note is a similar application like this called "Where's Tim." Where's Tim tracks the movements of Tim Hibbard through his mobile phone. While it's minus video and sound, it does have a PILE of bells and whistles: mileage for the day, RSS feeds and Google Earth viewing to name a few.

If you think this is cool, please Digg it! :)


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