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Sunday, July 23, 2006

10 Google Maps Mashups with worldwide reach

GeoWalk mashes up wikis, photos, news and more - Here's a cool mashup that combines Wikipedia, Flickr and Google News with any point on a Google Map that you click on. That's right, double click anywhere on the Google Map and GeoWalk will provide you with the closest Wikipedia entry to that location, tagged Flickr photos and news as well travel and weather for some locations. This mashup is also available in German language. [Via] poll results on Google Maps - Created by Virender Ajmani, this is a mashup of polling statistics from that lists the top 99 women from around the world, according to the site visitors. Those in the top 25 also contain a video from Sort through the list using the buttons found along the top of the map.

Other worldwide Google Maps mashups:


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