(post by Robert de Heer)
Every Friday, I'll try to post a country round-up from a a specific country. I'll call it for now "Wrap-up Friday", but better names are welcome ;-)
For this Friday, I'll post here the fourth round-up for the Netherlands (thanx to Remco from Nederkaart); the previous one can be found here.
- ANWB - Dutch automobile association (no idea what the American equivalent is called, but its an association mainly for tourisme and helping drivers) has a site about Dutch beaches.
- Ticketatlas.nl - Travel tickets on sale. Google Maps application for finding cheap travel tickets in Europe.
- Vanraalten.net - A cute little site, showing old postcards on a map of the city of Utrecht (in the centre of The Netherlands). Old postcards shown on their google map location, sometimes in combination of present day pictures.
- Geoskating.com - Dutch skating enthousiasts dont limit themselves to wintertime skating. Onland scating, life tracking of tours, and lots of pictures and more.
- Gemeenteanalyse.nl - Dutch city finances: of each Dutch city, all the financial statistics.
- Staatopdekaart.nl - Traveling to a Dutch city? Find lots of information on Staatopdekaart.nl . Museums, monuments, theaters, parkingspaces, bike rentals, hotels, etc. etc.
- Dakvanrotterdam.nl - A fantastic mashup, with 3 sites in one:
- an interactive skyline, 3d panorama on lots of locations in Rotterdam (maps and quicktime)
- what's on in Rotterdam this summer (maps)
- 3d Rotterdam: the city in Sketchup (kmz-file) - Uitvaartkaart.nl - Everything you need for a funeral
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