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Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Walk a straight line around the world on Google Maps!

"If I walk in a straight line around the world, where will I pass?"

In 2005 Luis Felipe used Google Maps to help the world find out where they would end up if they were to .."dig a hole directly through the earth" Luis has recently improved this fun map tool with a new interface, but the real announcement is his latest Google Maps tool that will help you go around the world instead of through it!

Have you ever wondered where you would end up if you were to continue walking (or swimming) in the same direction? What major cities or interesting places do you think your street would go through if it continued in one, continuous direction? This cool Google Maps tool will help you find this out with great precision. Here's how it works:
  • Choose your direction on the map - Click on any location on earth! Zoom in to place your starting point (a little green flag) on the location of your house, city or town.

  • Set the direction you wish to travel by sliding the target from N - E - S - W or enter the specific degrees for more precision, followed by your resolution quality.
  • A line is then plotted over a Google Map to show you were you would pass through! Click the Google Earth button for even better viewing!
This Google Maps tool quickly turns into a mashup with the next feature:

Click anywhere on your route so an eyeball icon is displayed. Click the eyeball to see what interesting locations are referenced for that location.

This is a fun Google Maps tool and mashup that will let you explore places that have a "directional connection" to where you are in the world. Plot some lines east and west to gain a better global awareness of where you're standing right now.



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