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Tuesday, July 5, 2005

More Google Maps mash-ups!

Google Maps + Iraq War US Casualties - Here is an eye-opening Google Maps overlay. By clicking on [+] you can see 30 more casualties and where they lived in the U.S. Clicking on the icon displays information about the soldier that was killed.

UPS Package Tracking with Google Maps - This tool requires a download of Firefox and the latest greasemonkey release plus script installation. Find directions on how to enable this tool here. From the website:
Has this ever happened to you: You've ordered some new gee wiz gadget from an online store and find your self obsessively checking the UPS package tracking to see where your gee wiz gadget currently is? Ever wish you could see it on a map? Well wish no more. Now you can, at the click of your mouse, map the trip your package has taken using the magic of Firefox, Greasemonkey and Google Maps. (well, at least in the US and probably in Canada)
(Thanks for the email Matt!)

Oklahoma Sexual Offenders on Google Maps - Here is another Sexual Predator Google Maps overlay which shows where sexual predators living in the communities of Oklahoma. It is using information from the Oklahoma Department of Corrections Sexual Offender website and the Lawton PD sexual offenders list on the LPD website. I think it's only a matter of time before every US community is integrated into one tool similar to the previous 3 or so that are out there now.
(Thanks for the email from "A Citizen" on this mash-up!)


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