I have been playing around with a map mashup site for Ofsted reports, using Google Maps. It's a bit beta-ish at the moment, but I thought it might be of
interest. Features are:
- proximity search to postcode
- schools categorized by type (with a dropdown selector to filter schools displayed)
- automatic map resizing to accommodate all schools in search criteria
- links from markers to ofsted reports
- all data scraped from http://www.ofsted.gov.uk/
Dublin, Ireland Recycling Centers - Here is a simple Google Maps implementation showing information about 4 recycling centers in Dublin, Ireland. There are plans to add more and take submissions from visitors to the map. If you would like to add centers to the map, leave a comment with the latitude and longitude of the location (or you can use the 'Link to this page' option provided by Google Maps), and the map creator will do the rest.
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