Blog Archive

Sunday, October 9, 2005

Blog posts: Taking a closer look at the mashup craze..

Some recent thought provoking blog posts which take a deeper look at the "mashup" phenomenon.

Mash-ups and the Model of Attraction - "I have been thinking a lot about web2.0 mash-ups like Housing Maps since I was on a panel with Paul Rademacher. Particularly I have been trying to make sense of mash-ups in the context of the Model of Attraction. It was not difficult to use these models as a lens to better understand what is going on in these mash-ups. The irony is I needed to do a tiny mash-up of my own to better understand what is going on." (more..)

The Geospatial Web: A Call to Action What We Still Need to Build for an Insanely Cool Open Geospatial Web - "Beyond a growing commercial interest in mobile GIS and location services, there's deep geek fascination with web mapping and location hacking. After several years of early experiments by a first generation of geohackers, locative media artists, and psychogeographers, a second, larger wave of hackers are demonstrating some amazing tricks with Google Maps, Flickr, and Meanwhile, a growing international cadre of open source digital geographers and frontier semantic hackers have been building first-generation working versions of powerful new open source web mapping service tools based on open standards like WMS (web map services) and WFS (web feature services), all built on GML (geographic markup language) and XML. You can see for yourself: hundreds of new geospatial web-related links from perhaps thousands of geeks and users are aggregated daily at" (more..)

Mashup Infrastructure - "While some of the mashups appearing on the web are very interesting, there are quite a few examples of people doing creative things with Google Maps. I'm left wondering if these ideas can ever morph into true business offerings. Can you make money by piggy-backing on another webservice. You're adding value, so from a strictly theoretical point of view it should work out. But, what if the underlying webservice isn'’t so cooperative?" (more..)


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