Mapmyadventure is a travel social community built on Google Maps. Currently mapmyadventure has two active maps, one for Australia and one for the UK.
The map for each country is tagged with information useful for travellers, for example, accommodation, restaurants, bars, night-life, activities and transport. Below the map is a whole host of information on the location in the current map view. Scroll the map around and the information below the map updates to reflect the current map location.
If you register you can add your own tags to the map and then you really can start mapping you own adventure.
WA Fuel Finder

WA Fuel Finder is a simple search tool that makes searching for the cheapest fuel prices in Western Australia as painless as possible. Searching for fuel is just a matter of choosing your type of gas and entering your location.
WA Fuel Finder then tags the cheapest gas stations in your area based on the Australian government's fuel watch.
Find a Pharmacy

Find a Pharmacy is a Google Map from the Pharmacy Guild of Australia that will let you search for any pharmacy in Australia. To locate pharmacies in your neighbourhood you simply enter your address and a radius you wish to search. Find a Pharmacy then displays a Google Map with all the pharmacies in the area.
TPG's DSLAM Coverage

This map mash-up shows active adsl2+ connections in New South Wales. Selecting one of the tagged exchanges on the map will show the approximate area covered by that exchange through a shaded polygon. Selecting a point within an exchange will return a sample of connections closest to that point.
Australian Marinas Guide

The Australian Marinas Guide is a Google Maps mash-up of over 300 marinas in Australia. Each of the over 300 marinas is tagged on the map. Clicking on one of the tags opens an information window containing the marina's address.
Each of the marinas in your chosen location are also listed in a side bar and can be selected by clicking on the marina's name.
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