Blog Archive

Monday, August 11, 2008


Dipity allows users to easily create timelines on any subject. The created timelines can then be embedded in a website or blog. That in itself would be a reason for great cheer but Dipity also allows users to geo-tag the events on a Google Map. It is therefore possible to show the progress of a subject both chronologically and geographically. For example, you could show the progress of the Lewis and Clark expedition in a timeline and on a Google Map.

That's not all, Dipity have also accessed the API's of Flickr, YouTube, Digg and a number of news sources to allow you to create mapped timelines of photos, videos, Digg posts and news stories.

Tickr allows you to build a timeline of Flickr photos for a particular tag. Users can use the timeline to see when and where images for a given keyword, tag or Flickr user were taken.

Here are some geo-tagged Flickr photos of last weekend's Red Bull Air Race in London:

screenshot of Dipity embed

TimeTube allows you to build a timeline of Youtube videos for a particular tag. Here is a TimeTube of Google Maps related videos:

Newsline allows you to build a mapped timeline of a particular news story and Archaeologist lets you build a timeline of Digg posts for a particular keyword.

Simile is another timeline builder that it is possible to combine with Google Maps. The Google Maps team created this comprehensive Google Maps Mania timeline showing all the posts over the years from this blog. It is an amazing example of what can be created using Simile with Google Maps.

To use Simile with Google Maps you will need a working knowledge of the Google Maps API. Dipity on the otherhand requires no development knowledge. So, if you want to map a timeline, choose Dipity for simplicty and choose Simile if you want more control over the design and features.



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