Blog Archive

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Embed your Google My Maps into your blog or website

Last week the Sydney Morning Herald's Stephen Hutchen broke the news that an embeddable map feature was coming soon to Google Maps. This feature has just been launched on Google Maps and lets you to embed your Google My Maps or geo searches in your own website or blog! Here is how the feature works: Once you are logged into Google Maps click the My Maps tab and then click on one of your My Maps in the list (or create one). At the top right hand corner of the page, click "Link to this page":

You'll notice a new option in this dialog: "Paste HTML to embed in website". You can either copy this code and tweak things like width and height values to fit in your post or web page or click the "Customize and preview embedded map" link for more options. Here is what you'll see:

I mentioned above that this also works for grabbing geo search results and embedding these in the same fashion. Run a search on Google Maps and you'll notice the link to this page feature will also allow you to take search results for local business queries or user created maps for a location and embed this as a map on your blog/website.

This is a great feature to add the Google My Maps you create directly to your blog posts or webpages. Think of it as syndicating your My Maps mashups!

Official Google Lat Long Blog post:
YouTube-style Embeddable Maps

Sydney Morning Herald covers feature addition with an embedded My Map:
Google launches embeddable map feature

Google Press Center:
Google announces a simple new way to embed Google Maps



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