(features an English and Japanese interface) Hitotoki is a literary site collecting stories of personal experiences in Tokyo. The stories are mapped to specific locations across Tokyo using Google Maps. Browse each of the stories by map or click the Google Maps on each story page to see where that experience took place. The mashup features a toggle to stories written in Japanese, and a "New York" link indicates taht Hitotoki is expanding to this US city soon!
Japanese YouTube Video Google Maps mashup (features an English and Japanese interface) - If you're planning a trip to Japan or want to learn more about the country this video maps mashup can help. The Google Map of Japan is dotted with pins noting music, sports, urban areas and more. Click the pins or the video titles in the right sidebar. The creator of the mashup has linked to his favorites, and you can also send in clips you like in a form at the bottom.
Scenic Byway Map of Hokkaido East Okhotsk (Japanese language only) - Seigo Nohara emailed me to tell me about the mashup that his company (River Stone) created. Built using Apple WebObjects the map details Scenic Byway information for several towns and cities within this region of Japan.
Look up Japanese addresses in English:
Here is a new Google Maps tool that lets you look up Japanese addresses using the English spelling. It is currently mapping approximately 120,000 English labels including major cities, towns and neighbourhoods. The tool will make Google Maps in Japan useful for the English user.
More ways to explore Japan using Google Maps (All in English):
- Google Maps Geo Search [info]: Japan, Tokyo, Osaka
- Korea on: Wikimapia, GoogleSightseeing.com, SatelliteSightseer.com
- Google Mapplets: Flickr & Panoramio geotaggedphotos, WeatherBonk, Wikipedia
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