Google Maps updated for China:
Google Maps was updated at the start of Aug/07 with fresh satellite imagery for the cities of Beijing and Shanghai. In late July cities, major streets and roads were added throughout the country, as was map searching for cities and points of interest. These updates are also available to Google Maps mashups making use of the Google Maps API.
The Chinese localised version of Google Maps known as Google Ditu (Ditu = Map) features great detail, for urban areas, rail lines, labeling etc in the Chinese language. Anthony Wong has created a cool mashup of Google Maps and Google Ditu so you can compare the views:
..Read this post for more information. Anthony explains how he created the mashup and his recommendations for improving it. The Shanghaiist Blog also blogged about Google Ditu when it launched..
New China Satellite Sightseeing:
With brand new, updated imagery available in both Beijing and Shanghai a few sites out on the web are cataloging interesting sights and views that are found in China making for a unique online sightseeing experience: China Sights (191) - Sites include: Forbidden City, Tiananmen Square, Three Gorges Dam, City of Lhasa (Tibet), Great Wall of China: Jyongguan Pass, All Shanghai Locations, Many many more here..
Wikimapia - China - Wikimapia is a unique, user-driven Google Maps explorer that allows you to view annotations of satellite imagery. Click the link above and roll your mouse over the boxes to read wiki-style descriptions. Be sure to zoom right in to see what the description is about and if you have something to add or would like to add your own wiki-descriptions for China go for it! Wikimapia is a great way to explore and learn more about the geography of China. - China - GoogleSightseeing tells you the stories behind the satellite imagery on Google Maps. This link will take you to all posts labeled with China by the bloggers at
New China Mashups and Mapplets:
- Interesting finds using Google's geo search: "China Maps" (More info about Geo Search)
- Google Mapplets that feature content for China: Flickr & Panoramio geotagged photos (cool), WeatherBonk World Weather, Wikipedia Mapplet (Add these Mapplets to Google Maps, then zoooom into China! :))
- Beijing Olympics 2008 - Torch Relay Path: Virender Ajmani creates this Olympic torch map that shows you where the flame will travel en route to Beijing for the Opening Ceremonies. Click the "X" on each location balloon to advance to the next location.
- Zooomr Google Maps Mashup - "Zooom" into China! :) [Info here..]
- Check out lots more Google Maps mashups from China by viewing past posts I've made here on Google Maps Mania.
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