Street Cities

Street Cities combines Google Street View and the Google Earth Browser to create a dual map that lets you view locations simultaneously on the ground and in the air. You can navigate around the Google Map in Street View and the Google Earth plug-in map follows your movements. There is something quite magical in watching the Google Earth plug-in map rotate as you turn around in Street View.
You can create your own dual map by selecting a location. Street Cities then produces the map and fa ew lines of code which you can use to embed the map in your own website or blog.
Google Earth Hacks

Google Earth Hacks have added the option to view their collections via the Google Earth browser plug-in. When you choose the Google Earth plug-in option the code to embed the map in your website or blog appears above the map.
Google Earth Hacks has a huge repository of geo-tagged collections. You are bound to find a collection that reflects your interests and now you can add this feature rich content to your own website simply by cutting and pasting a few lines of code.
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