Last(.fm) Music Map

The Last(.fm) Music Map is a mashup between (Audioscrobbler) and Google Maps APIs.
The search feature is simplicity itself - just type the name of an artist or band in the search box - and sit back and watch. The artist's upcoming events are then displayed on the map in TwitterVision style. Each event is tagged on the map with the date, venue, a photo of the venue and a link to more details on Last FM. A small information window also appears with links to similar artists to your initial choice.
MusicRambler is a mash-up of Google Maps, Last.Fm and Flickr. When you listen to music with Audioscrobbler, MusicRambler will collect images and events related to the artist you are listening to and will show them on a Google Map.
To use the map you simply enter your Last FM login and MusicRambler goes to work.

To search BandsinTown just enter the name of an artist and BandsinTown searches for upcoming concerts near your location. You can refine your search options by how far you are prepared to travel, by date or by ticket price.
Each returned concert comes with an accompanying Google Map that tags the concert venue.
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