Blog Archive

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Farewell and Good Luck Mike

I’m sure Mike has been overwhelmed by the number and nature of the comments to his 1500th and last post (although I'm still hopeful I‘ll be able to tempt him back occasionally). It seems that the great and the good of the geo-web have been keen to thank Mike and congratulate him on his dream job.

Personally I think it is Google who should be congratulated for their capture of Mike. There can't be many people with Mike's sheer breadth of knowledge of the thousands of Google Maps mashups out there or Mike's knowledge of the Google Maps developer community. In employing Mike I'm certain Google have improved the Google Maps team immeasurably.

I, of course, more than most, have cause to thank Mike. First, I have to thank him for supporting my own Google Maps mashups over the years of Google Maps Mania. Without Mike's promotion and reviews of my work I suspect the hit counts on my sites would be very low indeed.

Secondly, I have to thank Mike for giving me the opportunity to write for Google Maps Mania and now trusting me to take the blog on.

Perhaps the greatest tribute I can pay to Mike is to continue Google Maps Mania in the same manner. I therefore have no plans to change the nature of Mike's baby. Google Maps Mania will continue to post daily reviews of the amazing Google Maps mashups being produced and to bring you the latest news and developments related to Google Maps.

Thank you Mike and good luck in your new job.


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