Via: Engadget
If Google Ruled the World
Google have big plans for geo-tagging the real world. managed to photograph Google's first attempts.

51 Things You Aren't Allowed to See on Google Maps
IT Security have posted a list of 51 areas where Google Maps satellite imagery has been digitally blurred. Including this view of the Huis Ten Bosch Palace in the Netherlands:

Animated Gif's on Google Maps
The NOAA have been working on animating precipitation on Google Maps. Although they are only in the testing phase the results are pretty amazing (works best in FireFox).
Via: Mapperz
Google Maps Makes Me Look Lazy
The Minister for Infrastructure in Queensland, Australia says that Google Maps makes him look lazy. He claims that the satellite imagery for Queensland is three years old and doesn't show a Gold Coast Desalination Plant that is currently under construction, a bridge and a couple of ring roads that have since been built.
The Minister has written to Google to complain. A Google spokesman has replied, "We're thrilled that the Minister is an avid Google Maps fan and will write back to him to thank him for his letter."
Google Maps on the PSP
More on this at
Via: Map Channels
Spying on Google Spying on You
The Register in the UK has produced a Google Map of all the street view car sightings in the UK. So remember Google you are being watched.
View Larger Map
Via: Mapperz and The Guardian
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