In preparation for the release of The Da Vinci Code movie this week Renaud Euvrard has created a great Google Maps mashup of locations depicted in the movie called The "Da Vinci Tour". The mashup takes you on a journey through the book/movie locations spanning France, Italy, UK and the USA. He has even built in color coded routes to help you move from place to place and links off to Flickr images as well. Very nicely done. There is also a Google Earth version of the tour you can open up as well. is also getting into the Da Vinci Code mashup act with their collection of locations from the film and book. As usual with this tool, you can add tags to restrict it to London, for instance or a view from the "centerpoint" of the novel, the Louvre Pyramid.
For more Movie mashups, check here.
Technorati Tags: [Da Vinci Code], [Google Maps Mania], [Google Maps mashup], [mashup], [Google Maps]
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