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Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Google Maps Mashup Roundup for Denmark

Mashups in..

Soren Johannessen has joined the Google Maps Mania team as country correspondent for Denmark. Soren holds a Masters degree in Library and Information Science and sees Google Maps as an interesting way of providing information. He maintains a blog, together with fellow Dane Esben Fjord focussed on IT, Web 2.0 and Library 2.0. Here is his first post:

The Copenhagen Metro [København Metro](subway) - A Google Map of the Copenhagen Metro System (A KML file for Google Earth is also available)

Danmarkskortet over biblioteksblogs [Denmark map of libraries] - An index of Librarians or Libraries which have a weblog in Denmark. A KML file is also available for Google Earth.

Gennem byen sidste Gang (the last trip through town) - A famous Danish poet Dan Turell wrote a poem "the last trip through town" just before his early death- In this poem he describes which last route he will walk through Copenhagen, before he dies. This has been visualized on a Google Maps the route and some waypoints with pictures from Copenhagen. This one also has a KML file for Google Earth which is available.

Start you holiday at the library (Start ferien på biblioteket) - A world map which danish travellers can click on a marker (country) and a hyperlink goes directly into the Frederica library database and search for travelbook for that country.

Danish Geotracer for Danish addresses - an example for the address "Istedgade 89" in Copenhagen looks like this.


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