Google Maps mashups have definitely found their way into the fitness and recreation world. The
GMaps Pedometer got the "wheels turning", and since then many more have followed. Here are some more..
WalkingThis UK Google Maps mashup is a great example of how community walking clubs or local e-government websites could encourage active living over via the web.
This web-based tool allows you to plug in the type of walk/hike you're looking for, and then lists the local routes that would best suit your needs. The resulting walks contain a Google Map link with the route laid out, and even shows the nearest rail station marker on the map that is closest to that route. [

Running: is a site which allows you to plot your running route and display it for others. Simply login to create an account or use the search tool to look for runs based on U.S. zip codes or search tags. The creator says that it's not quite as full-featured as the
Gmaps Pedometer but does allow you to store your routes and display them for others to check out. [
Online Training:Apart from the individual fitness maps mashers, companies are getting into the act by integrating their mapping software with their existing products and services. is one of those companies that has started to perform such an integration. MotionBased is described as the following:
Using data collected from GPS devices, MotionBased empowers its customers with online data and mapping analysis, unattainable with the current set of products available to endurance athletes. Check out the
blog entry for more information on their Google Maps integration.

If you're interested in other existing fitness and recreation Google Maps mashups, check out the
Fitness and Recreation links section on this blog for some more that I have found. Keep the fitness and recreation Google Maps mashups coming! They are empowering thousands of people to stay fit and active!