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Monday, August 15, 2005

Using Google Maps To Create a School Boundary Map

Here is a great article from by Tim Lauer of the Ed-Tech Insider that shows how the Google Maps API can be used to create a school boundary map. This is a perfect "How-To" for those educators in the northern hemisphere who are heading back to the classroom in the fall/autumn.

Using Google Maps To Create a School Boundary Map
By Tim Lauer on August 14, 2005

I have recently been playing around a bit with the Google Maps API. The API (application programming interface) allows you to include Google Maps content on your own web pages. For example I have been wanting to create a boundary map for my school. With a little bit of work, I was able to create a rough outline of our boundary and include it with the map that displays on our school web site.
(read the entire article..)

- Yes, this post has been checked for spelling mistakes. ;)


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