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Thursday, August 25, 2005

Google Maps on video..

Here are a few examples of Google Maps presented to you by web-video (QuickTime and Flash are required). Both of these visuals will help you understand the evolution of a Google Maps mashup - literally from start to finish!

The first video clips are for those of you tackling the Google Maps API to create all these awesome Google Maps mashups. This person has created a 2-part instructional video covering the Google Maps API and how to integrate a Google Map into your website. The pace is good, and the speaker is very thorough in his explanations. Here are the links:

Phase I: will get you up and going with a simple google map.

Phase II: We will take your address and build a google map on the fly, If you don'’t have the longitude or latitude, we will do a SOAP call to get the longitude or Latitude coordinates, then update the database, so we don'’t have to do the SOAP call again, then we show your map, best of all you can download working code here.
(Macromedia Flash required for both)

Both clips are linked from this page.

The second video is an 8 minute screencast demonstrating the Google Maps interface and the GMap Pedometer Google Maps tool. The creators of the video show, with the Gmaps pedometer, how far John Lennon would have had to walk to visit Paul McCartneys house when they were living in Liverpool, UK. :)
Folks - let me know if this clip doesn't open for you. I'm not sure if it's just my version of QuickTime.

(Apple QuickTime is required)

Have fun! :)


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