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Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Google Maps in the news..

The Branding and Mapping Mash-Up - Clickz Aug. 23/05
What could a map and a brand possibly have to do with each other? Nothing much -- until recently. Almost overnight, geography, and the part it plays in connecting brands with users, seems to have developed yet another amazing opportunity for brand builders. (Read more..)

Goofy Google Grinch - NYPost - Aug. 21/05
A Queens assemblyman says a popular new program offered by Google could help terrorists scout targets like the White House, power plants and transportation hubs — and is urging the search-engine giant to shut it down. (Read more - requires free registration..) [via]

You Are Here (We Think ...) - LA Times - Aug.21/05
In fast-growing areas, outdated maps can leave residents feeling, well, uncoordinated. (Read more..) [via]


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