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Friday, September 2, 2005

Google Maps in the news

Google Earth mapping service draws complaint from Seoul
International Herald Tribune - Sept. 1, 2005
South Korea will raise its concerns with the U.S. government about a service offered by Google, the Internet company, that displays satellite photos of sites across the globe, the president's office said on Wednesday. (read full article)
Many more articles about this here.

How satellites can save--or ruin--your life
C|Net Security - September 1, 2005 1:30 PM PDT
The growing use of satellite technology among the masses, as evidenced by the mainstream popularity of Google maps, continues to raise concerns about privacy and security. At the same time, however, the technology is proving valuable in some unintended ways, such as fighting fires, reading ancient scripts, protecting domestic-violence victims and, most recently, aiding recovery from Hurricane Katrina. (read full article)

Google Maps Mash-Ups All The Rage On The World Wide Web
NY1 - Technology - August 29th, 2005
From finding the cheapest gas, to finding a new job near your home, to locating convicted sex offenders in your neighborhood, there's a relatively new tool that's popping up on more and more websites. It's called a Google Maps Mash-Up, which is a Google map mashed-up or mixed in with whatever a website's developer chooses to mix in. (read full article)

Other Recent Stories:

Reuters (Aug.26/05) - PluggedIn: "Mashups" find potholes and sex offenders (I provided a quote for this article)

Washington Post (Aug.28/05) - Make Google Maps Work for You (Google Maps Mania mentioned)


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