Craigslist Katrina housing posts + Google Maps = - has been established to visually plot the locations of Craigslist temporary housing posts onto a Google Maps overlay. The temporary housing posts originate at Craigslist and have been posted by people looking to offer a home to those displaced by Hurricane Katrina.

Geospatial Technology Offers Katrina Response Much, Delivers Some - The following editorial by Adena Schutzberg and Joe Francica of Directions Magazine chronicles how the online world and geospatial technology is helping in the Katrina response. It makes many references to how Google Maps and Earth have played an instrumental role in this recent event. It also points to some of the shortcomings in the overall geospatial data response as well.
Overall Summary of all known Google Maps Hurricane Katrina Sites:
..If I have missed any Katrina sites which are using Google Maps, please inform me by posting a comment to any blog post here on Google Maps Mania and I will ensure that these sites get communicated to the web community. All mashups will be updated in the right-side navigation link accessible from here.
Technorati Tags: [katrina], [hurricanekatrina], [googlemaps], [New Orleans]
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