If you're a regular Google Maps Mania reader you may have noticed I've been a bit thin on posts over the past few days. I'm working out of town this week and not able to post as much. Here is a short roundup of items to keep you up to date on the Google Maps world:
The AllPoints blog points out that the City of Portland website now features Google Maps integration for advanced property searches.
Updated: Changed city from Seattle to Portland.
The conversation continues on the Google Maps API Google Group in the area of for-profit, commercial mashups. Simple answer. Read the Terms and Conditions and FAQ. Don't worry, it's not a long, tough legal read.
If you're a GuestMap user like me, you might want to take up the blogger at ennovy.org on their offer to use a nifty little chicklet for your blog or website. I'll be changing my text link with this soon.
Jason Salas is so envious of ChicagoCrime.org's Adrian Holovaty. He also has some thoughts on why the Google Maps API has been used in more recent mashups over the competing Microsoft Virtual Earth API.
Karen Ruby wonders when the other big papers in Canada (Globe and Mail, Canoe, National Post, etc.) will follow the lead of the Toronto Star in developing Google Maps mashups for their online news stories.
A Flickr user has posted a message about a Google Maps - WordPress plugin.
How-To: ArcIMS to Google Maps
GoMap integrates with Google Maps [via]
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