Spanish View:
Housing in Madrid and geocoding in Buenos Aires
Just as Vivirama did last week with Loquo ads for Barcelona, another classified housing resource with maps in Spain. In this case it's for another Craigslist clone, Habitamos, which has ads for the whole of Spain, but maps now for Madrid, at Habitamos Maps. Unlike Vivirama, this is not a 3rd party development, they have done it by themselves, and they include thumbnail images. Habitamos is a start-up that launched in November 2004. From comments that they have made on the announcement of this tool, they have the same problem as Vivirama: difficult and expensive geocoding in Spain, that's why they offer just one city for the moment. But they
promise that additional cities will come.

Expensive and difficult geocoding is also the rule in Argentina, but some have begun to overcome that. gives lat/lon locations, shown on Google Maps, for addresses in Buenos Aires (federal capital, not the province), and placenames all over Argentina. For instance, this Avenida de Mayo, 525, site of the provincial government. They plan to add more capabilities (English intefrace among them) but they would like more help. Postal-code geocoding has been achieved by the authorities, but the people at have complained that the government sells it at 2,500 $ instead of offering the data.
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